Friday, March 27, 2009

Political Covers from the 1960's and 1970's

On Protracted War, 1967 by rodcorpParties and Politics in America, 1974 by rodcorpThe Sword and the Pen, 1976 by rodcorpSurvival, 1977 by rodcorpWorld in Crisis, 1973 by rodcorpBeyond Kissinger, 1975 by rodcorpSea Tales from Blackwood, 1960 by rodcorpNavies and Foreign Policy, 1977 by rodcorpWar, Politics & Power, 1962 by rodcorpSouth East Asia in Turmoil, 1968 by rodcorpOrganizational Psychology, 1974 by rodcorpDefense and Aerospace Glossary for Project Management by rodcorpThe Structure of Human Decisions, 1967 by rodcorpPower and the Pursuit of Peace, 1963 by rodcorpU-Boat War, 1978 by rodcorpRussia and the West Under Lenin and Stalin, 1961 by rodcorp

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